Quality coaching courses are not only few and far between – they are also very expensive and people, schools and other organisations cannot all afford these. By partnering with quality coaches and sport managers, AfriForum Sport can create a platform where coaches have access to quality training in various sport disciplines. They may even participate individually in mentorship programmes.

We will not only focus on practical aspects of coaching, but also on aspects such as psychology and financial management.

With this project, AfriForum Sport and our partners will be investing in the future of sports in South Africa by empowering people who are responsible for the coaching of our future sport stars.

This project is aimed specifically at current and future coaches and sport managers. We believe that empowering these people will lead to the development of athletes and teams.

If you want to be part of this success story and support us in implementing this project as soon as possible, you can join us as a member. Email sport@afriforum.co.za if you want to donate personally or on behalf of your organisation.

Be part of a sports community that builds together. Be part of AfriForum Sport.

The ball is in your court!