AfriForum Sport’s online platform offers among others the best exercise programmes, coaching tips, training and a list of social sport events to our members and the wider public.

AfriForum Sport cooperates with experts in the world of sport to develop quality content that will be available on our online platforms. The content will focus on a variety of sport-related areas – specifically on various phases in sport development. Although we will initially focus on the most popular sports, we aim to include as many sport disciplines as possible.

With this online platform, AfriForum Sport wants to ensure that it no longer matters where you are situated: You will have access to quality content to promote a healthy lifestyle, to develop your sport talent to higher level and to enable you to participate in sport events in your area. One of our main aims is to facilitate access to sport resources and opportunities. This we will mainly accomplish through these projects.

Because the focus of the platform is so wide, the project will not only empower our members and other people, but also organisations such as schools and sport clubs, as well as teachers.

If you want to be part of this success story and support us in implementing this project as soon as possible, you can join us as a member. Email if you want to donate personally or on behalf of your organisation.

Be part of a sports community that builds together. Be part of AfriForum Sport.

The ball is in your court!