The Voortrekker Monument is not just a heritage area. The terrain also gives people an opportunity to be active by using the jogging as well cycling tracks on this terrain.

AfriForum Sport cooperates with the new management of the Voortrekker Monmument (the FAK) to develop the terrain’s full potential. The project includes among others the upgrading of existing and the developing of new jogging and cycling tracks, as well a complete safety audit and upgrading the picnic area.

With this cooperation project, we not only create a safe environment in which people can exercise, but we also invest in creating an environment in which families, friends and communities can get together for social reasons. The variety of activities that the terrain will provide will make everyone feel at home – whatever their interests.

The purpose is to develop the terrain to such an extent that any community organisation would want to use the terrain. The offering would be so attractive that the Voortrekker Monument would be able to enter a sustainable future, while at the same time bringing together communities.

If you want to be part of this success story and support us in implementing this project as soon as possible, you can join us as a member. Email if you want to donate personally or on behalf of your organisation.

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